Source code for

from math import log10
import json

import numpy as np

import tacoma as tc

from _tacoma import edge_changes as ec
from _tacoma import edge_lists as el
from _tacoma import edge_lists_with_histograms as el_h
from _tacoma import edge_changes_with_histograms as ec_h

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from scipy.special import gamma as Gamma
from scipy.stats import weibull_min

from scipy.integrate import quad

from lmfit import minimize, Parameters

[docs]def complete_graph(N,tmax=1.0): """Get a single frame which consists of a complete network. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. tmax : float, default : 1.0 Maximum time of the static network. Returns ------- :class:`_tacoma.edge_lists` An instance of `tacoma.edge_lists` with t = [0.0], tmax = ``tmax``. """ edge_list = [] for i in range(N-1): for j in range(i+1,N): edge_list.append((i,j)) this = tc.edge_lists() this.t = [0.] this.tmax = tmax this.edges = [edge_list] this.N = N return this
[docs]def convert_static_network(N,edge_list,tmax=1.0): """Get a single frame which consists of the static network. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. edge_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` of int The edges of the static graph tmax : double, default : 1.0 The maximum time until the network is looped. Returns ------- :class:`_tacoma.edge_lists` An instance of `tacoma.edge_lists` with t = [0.0], tmax = ``tmax``. """ new_edge_list = [] for e in edge_list: if e[0] > e[1]: new_edge_list.append((e[1],e[0])) elif e[1] > e[0]: new_edge_list.append((e[0],e[1])) this = tc.edge_lists() this.t = [0.] this.tmax = tmax this.edges = [ new_edge_list ] this.N = N return this
[docs]def get_logarithmic_histogram(data, bins, #number of bins return_bin_means = True, density = True): """Get a logarithmic histogram. Parameters ---------- data : array-like The data to bin. bins : int The number of bins. return_bin_means : bool, default : True return the geometric means of binning intervals, otherwise return bin edges density : bool, default : True return probability density, if `False`, return counts Returns ------- x : numpy.ndarray Either geometric intervals or interval edges y : numpy.ndarray Either probability density or counts. """ data = np.array(data) data = data[data>0] MIN = min(data) MAX = max(data) # check if bins is an array, if not, make an array try: bins[0] except: # if this fails, we assume `bins` is an integer bins = np.logspace(log10(MIN), log10(MAX), bins+1,base=10.) y, x = np.histogram(data, bins = bins, density = density, ) new_x = np.sqrt(x[1:]*x[:-1]) if return_bin_means: return new_x, y else: return x, y
[docs]def group_size_histogram(group_sizes_and_durations): """Returns the mean number of groups of size `g` (mean over both ensemble and time). Parameters ========== group_sizes_and_durations : :mod:`group_sizes_and_durations` Result from the function :mod:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` Returns ======= g : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float Group sizes N : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float Mean number of groups of the corresponding size in `g`. """ group_size_histogram = np.array([ (size, val)\ for size, val in enumerate(group_sizes_and_durations.aggregated_size_histogram)\ if val > 0. ],dtype=float) x_group, y_group = group_size_histogram[:,0], group_size_histogram[:,1] return x_group, y_group
[docs]def mean_coordination_number(group_sizes_and_durations): """Returns the mean coordination number (mean over both ensemble and time). Following the definition by Zhao, Stehle, Bianconi, Barrat, the coordination number of node `i` is equal to the size of the group it is part of. Parameters ========== group_sizes_and_durations : :mod:`group_sizes_and_durations` Result from the function :mod:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` Returns ======= mean_coordination_number : float Temporal and ensemble mean of a node's group size. """ m, N_m = group_size_histogram(group_sizes_and_durations) N = len( group_sizes_and_durations.aggregated_size_histogram) - 1 P_k = m * N_m / N # degree distribution for completely connected groups return - 1.0
[docs]def mean_number_of_groups(group_sizes_and_durations): """Returns the mean number of groups (mean over both ensemble and time). Parameters ========== group_sizes_and_durations : :mod:`group_sizes_and_durations` Result from the function :mod:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` Returns ======= mean_number_of_groups : float Temporal and ensemble mean of the total number of groups a network consists of at a certain time. """ m, N_m = group_size_histogram(group_sizes_and_durations) return N_m.sum()
[docs]def mean_group_size(group_sizes_and_durations): """Returns the mean group size (mean over both ensemble and time). Parameters ========== group_sizes_and_durations : :mod:`group_sizes_and_durations` Result from the function :mod:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` Returns ======= mean_group_size : float Temporal and ensemble mean of the group size of all groups a network consists of at a certain time. """ N = len( group_sizes_and_durations.aggregated_size_histogram) - 1 c = mean_number_of_groups(group_sizes_and_durations) return float(N) / c
[docs]def slow_mean_degree(temporal_network): """Returns the mean degree (mean over ensemble) but it takes ages to compute. You should instead use :mod:`mean_degree`. Parameters ========== temporal_network : :mod:`edge_lists` or :mod:`edge_changes` Returns ======= t : float Temporal and ensemble mean of the node degree. mean_degree : float Temporal and ensemble mean of the node degree. """ temporal_network = tc._get_raw_temporal_network(temporal_network) if type(temporal_network) == t = np.array([temporal_network.t0]) t = np.append(t,temporal_network.t) m = [ len(temporal_network.edges_initial) ] for i in range(len(temporal_network.edges_in)): m_in = len(temporal_network.edges_in[i]) m_out = len(temporal_network.edges_out[i]) dm = m_in - m_out m.append( m[-1] + dm ) m.append(m[-1]) t = np.append(t,temporal_network.tmax) m = np.array(m, dtype=float) k = 2.0*m / float(temporal_network.N) elif type(temporal_network) == tc.el: t = np.array(temporal_network.t) m = [ ] for i in range(len(temporal_network.edges)): _m = len(temporal_network.edges[i]) m.append( _m ) m.append(m[-1]) t = np.append(t,temporal_network.tmax) m = np.array(m, dtype=float) k = 2.0*m / float(temporal_network.N) else: raise ValueError('Unknown temporal network format: ' + str(type(temporal_network))) return t, k
[docs]def time_average(t,x,tmax=None): r""" Return a temporal average of an observable `x(t)`, .. math:: \overline x = \frac{1}{t_\mathrm{max}-t_0} \int\limits_{t_0}^{t_\mathrm{max}} dt\, x(t). Where it's assumed that `x` changes as a step function, such that .. math:: \overline x = \frac{1}{t_\mathrm{max}-t_0} \left( (t_\mathrm{max} - t_{N_t-1}) x(t_{N_t-1}) + \sum_{i=1}^{N_t-1} (t_{i}-t_{i-1})x(t_{i-1}) \right). Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray Times at which `x` changes x : numpy.ndarray Value of the observable at the corresponding times. tmax : float, default : None If this is None, the integral is computed until time t[-1], otherwise it's evaluated until tmax. Returns ------- average_x : float The temporal average of `x`. """ if len(t) != len(x): raise ValueError("t and x must have the same shape") if tmax is not None: t = np.append(t,tmax) x = np.append(x,x[-1]) dt = t[1:] - t[:-1] sum_dt = dt.sum() return[:-1]) / sum_dt
[docs]def time_RMSE(t,x1,x2,tmax=None): r""" Get the root mean squared error (RMSE) of two observables over the same time. Combine with :func:``. .. math:: \mathrm{RMSE} = \left( \frac{1}{t_\mathrm{max}-t_0} \int\limits_{t_0}^{t_\mathrm{max}} dt\, \left( x_1(t) - x_2(t) \right)^2. \right)^{1/2} Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray times at which ``x1`` and ``x2`` change x1 : numpy.ndarray The first observable to compute the RMSE. x2 : numpy.ndarray The second observable to compute the RMSE. tmax : float, default : None If this is None, the integral is computed until time t[-1], otherwise it's evaluated until tmax. Returns ------- RMSE : float The root mean squared error. """ if len(t) != len(x1): raise ValueError("t and x1 must have the same shape") if len(t) != len(x2): raise ValueError("t and x2 must have the same shape") if tmax is not None: t = np.append(t,tmax) x1 = np.append(x1,x1[-1]) x2 = np.append(x2,x2[-1]) return np.sqrt(time_average(t,(x1-x2)**2))
[docs]def bin_a_function(x,y,bins,mode='mean'): r""" Bin a step function :math:`y(t)` over time bins. Binning can be done using either ``numpy.sum`` or ``numpy.mean``. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray domain values at which `y` changes y : numpy.ndarray values of the cunt bins : numpy.ndarray Bin to those bin edges mode : string, default : mean Build either a ``mean`` over the bins or a ``sum``. Returns ------- new_y : numpy.ndarray binned observable """ if mode=='mean': cumfunc = np.mean elif mode=='sum': cumfunc = np.sum indices = np.searchsorted(x,bins) new_y = [0] for i in range(1,len(indices)): if indices[i-1] == indices[i]: _y = 0 else: _y = cumfunc(y[indices[i-1]:indices[i]]) new_y.append( _y ) return new_y
[docs]def sample_a_function(t,y,time_points,sample_width=0): r""" Sample an observable :math:`y` which is a step function and changes at corresponding values :math:`t`. Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray domain values at which `y` changes y : numpy.ndarray observable to sample time_points : numpy.ndarray time points for which to sample. sample_width : float, default : 0.0 sample as a temporal average over [t-sample_width/2, t+sample_width/2]. Returns ------- new_y : numpy.ndarray values of `y` sampled at `time_points`. """ x = t new_y = [] for bin in time_points: if sample_width > 0: indices = np.searchsorted(x,[bin-sample_width/2., bin+sample_width/2.]) dt = x[(indices[0]+1):indices[1]] - x[indices[0]:(indices[1]-1)] y_ = y[(indices[0]+1):indices[1]] val =,y_) norm = np.sum(dt) #x_ = x[(indices[0]+1):indices[1]] #y_ = y[indices[0]:indices[1]] #val = np.trapz(y=y_,x=x_) #norm = np.trapz(y=np.ones_like(x_),x=x_) new_y.append( val/norm) else: indices = np.searchsorted(x,[bin]) if indices[0] == 0: this_index = 0 elif indices[0] == len(x): this_index = -1 else: this_index = indices[0]-1 new_y.append(y[this_index]) return np.array(new_y)
[docs]def rescale_time(temporal_network, new_t0, new_tmax): """Rescale the time in this temporal network (inplace). Parameters ========== temporal_network : :mod:`edge_lists` or :mod:`edge_changes` new_t0 : float The new value of t0. new_tmax : float The new value of tmax. Returns ======= temporal_network : :mod:`edge_lists` or :mod:`edge_changes` Same instance as input. """ if hasattr(temporal_network,'t0'): this_t0 = temporal_network.t0 temporal_network.t0 = new_t0 else: this_t0 = temporal_network.t[0] this_T = temporal_network.tmax - this_t0 new_T = new_tmax - new_t0 temporal_network.t = [ (t - this_t0) / this_T * new_T + new_t0 for t in temporal_network.t ] temporal_network.tmax = new_tmax return temporal_network
[docs]def contact_coverage(temporal_network): """Get the total number of discovered unique edges C(t), i.e. the contact coverage. Parameters ========== temporal_network : :class:`_tacoma.edge_trajectories`, :class:`_tacoma.edge_lists`, :class:`_tacoma.edge_changes` or :obj:`list` of :class:`_tacoma.edge_trajectory_entry` Returns ======= t : numpy.ndarray Time points at which new edges have been discovered C : numpy.ndarray total number of edges discovered up to time t. """ if type(temporal_network) in [ ec, el, el_h, ec_h ]: traj = tc.get_edge_trajectories(temporal_network) elif type(temporal_network) == list and type(temporal_network[0]) == tc.edge_trajectory_entry: traj = temporal_network elif type(temporal_network) == edge_trajectories: traj = temporal_network.trajectories else: raise ValueError("Unknown type for temporal network:", type(temporal_network)) t = [] count = [] for iedge, entry in enumerate(traj): t0 = entry.time_pairs[0][0] if len(t)>0: if t[-1] == t0: count[-1] = iedge+1 else: count.append(iedge+1) t.append(t0) else: count.append(iedge+1) t.append(t0) return np.array(t), np.array(count,dtype=float)
[docs]def get_edge_probability_and_rate(temporal_network): r""" For each edge compute the probability that it is active and the rate with which it is activated. Parameters ========== temporal_network : :class:`_tacoma.edge_lists`, :class:`_tacoma.edge_changes` or :class:`_tacoma.edge_trajectories` Returns ======= p : numpy.ndarray The probability to be switched on for each observed edge of the network (the remaining un-observed edges have probability p = 0). omega : numpy.ndarray The rate with which the observed edges are switched on :math:`\omega = \left(\frac{1}{\tau^+} + \frac{1}{\tau^{-}}\right)^{-1}` (the remaining un-observed edges have rate :math:`\omega = 0`). """ if type(temporal_network) in [ ec, el, el_h, ec_h ]: traj = tc.get_edge_trajectories(temporal_network) tmax = temporal_network.tmax if type(temporal_network) in [ ec, ec_h ]: t0 = temporal_network.t0 else: t0 = temporal_network.t[0] elif type(temporal_network) == edge_trajectories: traj = temporal_network.trajectories tmax = temporal_network.tmax t0 = temporal_network.t0 else: raise ValueError("Unknown type for temporal network:", type(temporal_network)) T = tmax - t0 connection_probability = np.empty(len(traj)) activity_rate = np.empty(len(traj)) for iedge, entry in enumerate(traj): N_events = len(entry.time_pairs) if entry.time_pairs[0][0] == t0: N_events -= 1 activity_rate[iedge] = N_events / T t_on = 0.0 for interval in entry.time_pairs: t_on += interval[1] - interval[0] connection_probability[iedge] = t_on / T return connection_probability, activity_rate
[docs]def get_edge_life_times(temporal_network): r""" For each edge compute the probability that it is active and the rate with which it is activated. Parameters ========== temporal_network : :class:`_tacoma.edge_lists`, :class:`_tacoma.edge_changes` or :class:`_tacoma.edge_trajectories` Returns ======= p : numpy.ndarray The probability to be switched on for each observed edge of the network (the remaining un-observed edges have probability p = 0). omega : numpy.ndarray The rate with which the observed edges are switched on :math:`\omega = \left(\frac{1}{\tau^+} + \frac{1}{\tau^{-}}\right)^{-1}` (the remaining un-observed edges have rate :math:`\omega = 0`). """ if type(temporal_network) in [ ec, el, el_h, ec_h ]: traj = tc.get_edge_trajectories(temporal_network) tmax = temporal_network.tmax if type(temporal_network) in [ ec, ec_h ]: t0 = temporal_network.t0 else: t0 = temporal_network.t[0] elif type(temporal_network) == edge_trajectories: traj = temporal_network.trajectories tmax = temporal_network.tmax t0 = temporal_network.t0 else: raise ValueError("Unknown type for temporal network:", type(temporal_network)) T = tmax - t0 connection_probability = np.empty(len(traj)) activity_rate = np.empty(len(traj)) life_times = [] for iedge, entry in enumerate(traj): for pair in entry.time_pairs: if pair[0] != t0 and pair[0] != tmax: life_times.append(pair[1]-pair[0]) return np.array(life_times)
[docs]def get_reduced_time(t, intervals_to_discard): """ Reduce the provided time in a way that intervals are cut out. Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray time array to reduce intervals_to_discard : list of tuple of float The time intervals which have to be discarded. Returns ------- new_t : numpy.ndarray reduced time with equal shape to ``t``. Each time in intervals which have to be discarded are remapped to the beginning of the intervals. """ x_ = t.copy() offset = 0.0 for interval in intervals_to_discard: t0, t1 = interval x_[np.logical_and(t>=t0, t<t1)] = t0 - offset x_[t>=t1] -= t1 - t0 offset += t1 - t0 return x_
[docs]def fit_contact_coverage(N, time, contact_coverage, intervals_to_discard_for_fit=[], kind='gamma'): """ Fit the contact coverage :math:`C(t)` to an edge activity rate distribution of kind ``kind``. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. time : numpy.ndarray Time points at which the contact converage changed. contact_coverage : numpy.ndarray Contact coverage at the corresponding times in ``time``. intervals_to_discard_for_fit : list of tuple of float a list of time intervals which have to be discarded for the fit kind : string, default : 'gamma' Rate distribution model for fit. Can be ``gamma``, ``exponential``, ``uniform``, ``normal``, ``delta``, ``power-law``. Returns ------- fit_function : function The fit function popt : tuple of float The found optimal parameters to pass to ``fit_function`` pstd : tuple of float standard uncertainty of the parameters """ fac = N*(N-1)/2. edge_count = contact_coverage if kind == 'gamma': fit = lambda x, alpha, scale: fac * (1 - (scale/(scale + get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit)) )**alpha) popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.5,10.0],maxfev=10000) elif kind == 'exponential': alpha = 1.0 fit = lambda x, scale: fac * (1 - (scale/(scale + get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit)) )**alpha) popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[10.0],maxfev=10000) elif kind == 'uniform': def fit(x, alpha): t = get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit) result = fac * (1 - (1-np.exp(-alpha*t)) / (alpha * t)) result[t==0] = 0 return result popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.1],maxfev=10000) elif kind == 'normal': fit = lambda x, mean, sigma: fac * (1 - np.exp(-mean* get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit)+sigma**2/2.0*get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit)**2)) popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.5,0.01],maxfev=10000) elif kind == 'delta': fit = lambda x, scale: fac * (1 - np.exp(-scale * get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit))) popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.5],maxfev=10000) elif kind == 'power-law': def fit(x,alpha, xmin,xmax,time_is_reduced = False): #print(alpha, xmin, xmax) A = (1-alpha) / (xmax**(1-alpha) - xmin**(1-alpha)) if time_is_reduced: t = x else: t = get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit) x_ = np.logspace(np.math.log10(xmin),np.math.log10(xmax),100) #observable = x_[None,:]**(-alpha)*np.exp(-t[:,None]*x_[None,:]) #print(observable.shape) #M = np.trapz(observable, x = x_[None,:], axis=0,) #print(M.shape) M = np.array([ np.trapz(x_**(-alpha)*np.exp(-t_*x_), x = x_) for t_ in t]) #M = np.array([ quad(lambda x: A * x**(-alpha)*np.exp(-t_*x), xmin,xmax)[0] for t_ in t ]) return fac * (1-M) def residual(params, x, time_is_reduced=True): alpha, xmin, xmax = params['alpha'].value, params['xmin'].value, params['xmax'].value #print(alpha, xmin, xmax) return fit(x, alpha, xmin, xmax,time_is_reduced) - edge_count reduced_time = get_reduced_time(time, intervals_to_discard_for_fit) params = Parameters() params.add('alpha',value = 1.0, min=1e-16) params.add('xmin',value = 1e-5, min=1e-16) params.add('xmax',value = 10, min=1e-16) out = minimize(residual, params, args = (reduced_time,)) popt = (out.params['alpha'].value, out.params['xmin'].value, out.params['xmax'].value) #print(help(out)) #print(out.pretty_print()) # TODO: once lmfit is fixed, this has to change to out.covar pcov = np.zeros(len(popt)) #popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[1,1e-10,10],maxfev=10000) # elif kind == 'weibull': # #def fit(x, k, omega_c): # # nmax = 18 # # moments = np.array([ omega_c**n * Gamma(1+n/k) for n in range(nmax+1) ] ) # # def M(t_,nmax): # # return np.sum(np.array([ t_**n * moments[n] / np.math.factorial(n) for n in range(nmax+1)]), axis=0) # # # # return fac * (1-M(-t,nmax)) # def fit(t_, k, omega_c): # eps = 1e-16 # integrand = lambda x, t : weibull_min(k,scale=omega_c).pdf(x) * np.exp(-t*x) # t = get_reduced_time(t_, intervals_to_discard_for_fit) # return np.array([quad(integrand,eps,np.inf,args=(t_,)) for this_t in t]) # # popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.5, 0.01],maxfev=10000) # elif kind == 'lognormal': # # # def fit(x, mu, sigma): # nmax = 15 # moments = np.array([ np.exp(n*mu + n**2*sigma**2 / 2.0 for n in range(nmax+1) )) # def M(t_,nmax): # pass # # # t = get_reduced_time(x, intervals_to_discard_for_fit) # # pdf = lognorm(sigma,scale=np.exp(mu)).pdf # #weights = lognorm.rvs(sigma,scale=np.exp(mu),size=N*(N-1)//2) # #print(weights) # return fac * ( 1.0 - np.array([np.mean(np.exp(-weights*x_)) for x_ in x])) # # popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, time, edge_count,[0.5,0.5],maxfev=10000) else: raise ValueError('Unknown fit function:', kind) #popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, fit_x, fit_y,[1./fac,fac,10.0],maxfev=10000) #popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit, fit_x, fit_y,[2,fac,10.0],maxfev=10000) return fit, popt, np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))