Source code for tacoma.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides functions to analyze and plot
the results from temporal network analyses, especially
from the :func:`tacoma.api.measure_group_sizes_and_durations`
routine. These functions are not imported by default
as they require `matplotlib` which cannot be easily installed
on some systems like compute clusters due to a missing
X server. If you want to use the routines of this
submodule, please make sure `matplotlib` is installed.

from math import log10

from collections import Counter

import numpy as np

    import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
except ImportError as e:
    print("\033[1m tacoma does not install `matplotlib` as a dependency. Please install it manually. \033[0m")
    raise e

from tacoma import marker_sequence
from tacoma import color_sequence
from tacoma import get_logarithmic_histogram

import _tacoma

[docs]def temporal_network_group_analysis(result, max_group=5, time_normalization_factor=1., time_unit=None, plot_step=False, fit_power_law=False, ax=None, bins=100, bin_dt=None, use_logarithmic_histogram=True, markersize=4, ): """Analyze the result of :func:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` and plot it. Parameters ---------- result : :mod:`tacoma.group_sizes_and_durations` The result of the temporal network analysis provided by :mod:`tacoma.measure_group_sizes_and_durations` max_group : int, optional The maximum group size for which to plot the duration distribution. default: 5 time_normalization_factor : float, optional Factor with which the time in the duration lists are rescaled default: 1.0 time_unit : :obj:`str`, optional Time unit to put on the axes. default : None plot_step : bool, optional If True, plot step functions instead of markers. default : False fit_power_law : bool, optional If True, fit and plot a power law to the distributions. default: False ax : :obj:`list` of matplotlib axes objects The axes to plot to (have to be a list of length 3 at least). If set to None, a figure and axes will be created and returned. default : None bins : int, default : 100 number of bins for the histogram bin_dt : float, default : None if given, do discrete binning to bins of this time-length use_logarithmic_histogram : bool, default : True if True, use logarithmicly growing bin sizes, otherwise use constant bin size markersize : int, default : 4, markersize for the plots Returns ------- matplotlib figure A matplotlib figure object. array_like of matplotlib axes As the name says. :obj:`dict` The results of the analysis (the distributions). """ if ax is None: fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2) ax = ax.flatten() else: fig = None res = {} res_sizes = plot_group_size_histogram(result, ax[0], plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, markersize=markersize, ) res_contacts = plot_contact_durations(result, ax[1], time_normalization_factor=time_normalization_factor, time_unit=time_unit, plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, use_logarithmic_histogram=use_logarithmic_histogram, bins=bins, bin_dt=bin_dt, markersize=markersize, ) res_dur = plot_group_durations(result, ax[2], time_normalization_factor=time_normalization_factor, max_group=max_group, time_unit=time_unit, plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, use_logarithmic_histogram=use_logarithmic_histogram, bins=bins, bin_dt=bin_dt, markersize=markersize, ) res.update(res_sizes) res.update(res_contacts) res.update(res_dur) return fig, ax, res
[docs]def detailed_temporal_network_group_analysis(result, P_k, max_group=5, time_normalization_factor=1., time_unit=None, plot_step=False, fit_power_law=False, ax=None, bins=100, bin_dt=None, use_logarithmic_histogram=True, marker=None, markersize=4, label=None, ): """Analyze the result of :func:`measure_group_sizes_and_durations` and plot it. Parameters ---------- result : :mod:`tacoma.group_sizes_and_durations` The result of the temporal network analysis provided by :mod:`tacoma.measure_group_sizes_and_durations` P_k : list or numpy.ndarray of float average degree distribution entry the :math:`k`-th entry of ``P_k`` contains the average probability that a node has degree :math:`k` max_group : int, optional The maximum group size for which to plot the duration distribution. default: 5 time_normalization_factor : float, optional Factor with which the time in the duration lists are rescaled default: 1.0 time_unit : :obj:`str`, optional Time unit to put on the axes. default : None plot_step : bool, optional If True, plot step functions instead of markers. default : False fit_power_law : bool, optional If True, fit and plot a power law to the distributions. default: False ax : :obj:`list` of matplotlib axes objects The axes to plot to (have to be a list of length 3 at least). If set to None, a figure and axes will be created and returned. default : None bins : int, default : 100 number of bins for the histogram bin_dt : float, default : None if given, do discrete binning to bins of this time-length use_logarithmic_histogram : bool, default : True if True, use logarithmicly growing bin sizes, otherwise use constant bin size marker : str, default : None, if set, all curves will be drawn using this marker markersize : int, default : 4, markersize for the plots label : str, default : None, if set, all curves will be associated with this label Returns ------- matplotlib figure A matplotlib figure object. array_like of matplotlib axes As the name says. :obj:`dict` The results of the analysis (the distributions). """ if ax is None: fig, ax = pl.subplots(int(np.ceil((max_group-1)/4))+1, 4) ax = ax.flatten() else: fig = None res = {} res_degree = plot_degree_distribution(P_k, ax[0], plot_step=plot_step, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, label=label, ) res_sizes = plot_group_size_histogram(result, ax[1], plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, label=label, ) res_contacts = plot_contact_durations(result, ax[2:4], time_normalization_factor=time_normalization_factor, time_unit=time_unit, plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, use_logarithmic_histogram=use_logarithmic_histogram, bins=bins, bin_dt=bin_dt, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, label=label, ) for g in range(2, max_group+1): res_dur = plot_group_durations(result, ax[4+g-2], time_normalization_factor=time_normalization_factor, min_group=g, max_group=g, time_unit=time_unit, plot_step=plot_step, fit_power_law=fit_power_law, use_logarithmic_histogram=use_logarithmic_histogram, bins=bins, bin_dt=bin_dt, markersize=markersize, marker=marker, label=label, ) res.update(res_dur) res.update(res_sizes) res.update(res_contacts) res.update(res_dur) res.update(res_degree) return fig, ax, res
[docs]def plot_degree_distribution(P_k, ax, xlabel='node degree $k$', plot_step=False, markersize=4, marker=None, label=None, ): P = np.array(P_k) k = np.arange(np.max(np.where(P>0)[0])+1) P = P[k] if marker is None: marker = 'o' if plot_step: ax.step(k, P, where='mid', label=label, ) else: ax.plot(k, P, marker, ms=markersize, mew=1, mfc='None', label=label, ) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(r'avg. probability $\overline{P_k}$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') res = {'degree_distribution': (k, P)} return res
[docs]def plot_group_size_histogram(result, ax, xlabel='group size $g$', plot_step=False, fit_power_law=False, markersize=4, marker = None, label=None, ): if marker is None: marker = 'o' group_size_histogram = np.array([ (size, val) for size, val in enumerate(result.aggregated_size_histogram) if val > 0. ], dtype=float) x_group, y_group = group_size_histogram[:, 0], group_size_histogram[:, 1] if plot_step: ax.step(x_group, y_group, where='mid', label=label, ) else: ax.plot(x_group, y_group, marker, ms=markersize, mew=1, mfc='None', label=label, ) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(r'avg. group-count $\overline{n_g}$') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') res = {'size_histogram': (x_group, y_group)} return res
[docs]def plot_contact_durations(result, ax, marker=None, xlabel='duration', bins=100, # number of bins time_normalization_factor=1., time_unit=None, bin_dt=None, plot_step=False, fit_power_law=False, use_logarithmic_histogram=True, markersize=4, label=None, ): if marker is None: markers = ['o', 'd'] else: markers = [marker] * 2 if label is None: labels = ['contact', 'inter-contact'] else: labels = [label] * 2 if bin_dt is not None: use_discrete_dt = True else: use_discrete_dt = False if not hasattr(ax,'__len__'): a = [ax, ax] else: a = ax durs = [np.array(result.contact_durations, dtype=float), np.array(result.group_durations[1], dtype=float)] res = {} for i, dur in enumerate(durs): if not plot_step: if use_logarithmic_histogram: x, y = get_logarithmic_histogram( time_normalization_factor*dur, bins) elif use_discrete_dt: c = Counter(dur / bin_dt) total = sum(c.values()) x = [] y = [] for x_, y_ in c.items(): x.append(x_* bin_dt) y.append(y_/total / bin_dt) else: y, x = np.histogram(dur*time_normalization_factor,bins=bins,density=True) x = 0.5*(x[1:]+x[:-1]) print(x.shape,y.shape) a[i].plot(x, y, ls='', marker=markers[i], label=labels[i], ms=markersize, mew=1, mfc='None' ) else: if use_logarithmic_histogram: x, y = get_logarithmic_histogram( time_normalization_factor*dur, bins, return_bin_means=False) elif use_discrete_dt: c = Counter(dur / bin_dt) total = sum(c.values()) x = [] y = [] for x_, y_ in c.items(): x.append(x_* bin_dt) y.append(y_/total / bin_dt) x.append(x[-1]+1) else: y, x = np.histogram(dur*time_normalization_factor,bins=bins,density=True) a[i].step(x, np.append(y, y[-1]), where='post', label=labels[i], ) res[labels[i]] = (x, y) if time_unit is not None: xlabel += ' [' + time_unit + ']' ylabel = 'probability density' if time_unit is not None: ylabel += ' [1/' + time_unit + ']' for ax in a: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend() return res
[docs]def plot_group_durations(result, ax, min_group=2, max_group=5, xlabel='duration', bins=100, time_normalization_factor=1., bin_dt=None, time_unit=None, plot_step=False, fit_power_law=False, use_logarithmic_histogram=True, markersize=4, marker=None, label = None, ): if label is None: labels = [ '$g=%d$' % size for size in range(min_group, max_group+1) ] else: labels = [label] * (max_group+1-min_group) if marker is None: this_marker_sequence = marker_sequence else: this_marker_sequence = [marker] * max_group if bin_dt is not None: use_discrete_dt = True else: use_discrete_dt = False res = {} for size in range(min_group, max_group+1): if len(result.group_durations[size]) > 6: data = time_normalization_factor * \ np.array(result.group_durations[size], dtype=float) if not plot_step: if use_logarithmic_histogram: x, y = get_logarithmic_histogram(data, bins) elif use_discrete_dt: c = Counter(data / bin_dt) total = sum(c.values()) x = [] y = [] for x_, y_ in c.items(): x.append(x_* bin_dt) y.append(y_/total / bin_dt) else: y, x = np.histogram(data*time_normalization_factor,bins=bins,density=True) x = 0.5*(x[1:]+x[:-1]) ax.plot(x, y, ls='', marker=this_marker_sequence[size % len(this_marker_sequence)], label=labels[size-min_group], ms=markersize, mew=1, mfc='None' ) else: if use_logarithmic_histogram: x, y = get_logarithmic_histogram( data, bins, return_bin_means=False) elif use_discrete_dt: c = Counter(data / bin_dt) total = sum(c.values()) x = [] y = [] for x_, y_ in c.items(): x.append(x_* bin_dt) y.append(y_/total / bin_dt) x.append(x[-1]+1) else: y, x = np.histogram(data*time_normalization_factor,bins=bins,density=True) ax.step(x, np.append(y, y[-1]), where='post', label=labels[size-min_group], ) res[size] = (x, y) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') if time_unit is not None: xlabel += ' [' + time_unit + ']' ylabel = 'probability density' if time_unit is not None: ylabel += ' [1/' + time_unit + ']' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend() return res
[docs]def plot_binned_social_trajectory(traj, ax, time_unit='d', ): for t, groups in enumerate(traj): for group in groups: ax.plot([t, t+1], [group, group], '-k') ax.set_xlabel('time ['+time_unit+']') ax.set_ylabel('group id')
[docs]def plot_social_trajectory(traj, ax, time_normalization_factor=1., time_unit=None ): for group, entry in enumerate(traj): for t in entry.time_pairs: t = np.array(t) ax.plot(t*time_normalization_factor, [group, group], '-k') xlabel = 'time' if time_unit is not None: xlabel += '['+time_unit+']' ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel('group id')
if __name__ == "__main__": import tacoma as tc # let's simulate a similar dynamic RGG RGG_edge_lists = _tacoma.dynamic_RGG(N=412, t_run_total=int( 24*2*3600 / 300), # 2 days mean_link_duration=5., periodic_boundary_conditions_for_link_building=False, record_sizes_and_durations=False, # verbose = True) seed=2335 ) RGG_result = tc.measure_group_sizes_and_durations(RGG_edge_lists) fig, ax, data = temporal_network_group_analysis( RGG_result, time_normalization_factor=300./3600., time_unit='h') fig.tight_layout()