Introduction to Complex Systems

Practical Problem 19: Fireflies

Write a model in which a number of $N$ fireflies move around randomly in the netlogo world. You can use the methods for random movement that we used in some of the other examples.

Each turtle (firefly) should have an internal variable phase that can change over time, an angle variable between 0 and 360. You can color the turtles according to the phase

ask turtles [set color hsb phase 100 100]

While the tick goes on the each turtle should advance its own phase by proportional to the ticks like so

ask turtles [set phase phase + omega * dt ]

here the variable omega should be slider.

While the fireflies move around, they should interact with other fireflies in a radius $R$. This radius should be a slider parameter that you can change.

They should interact in a similar way as is defined by the Kuramoto model.

Here’s again, a way to compute the interaction:

ask turtles [
	let F 0
	let myphase phase
	ask other turtles in-radius R [
		set F F + K / N sin ( phase - myphase )
... Do something with F