Introduction to Complex Systems


If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.

Richard Feynman Physics Nobel Price 1965


This is the seminar section. Here’s a bit of information you need.

Every student participating in the seminar is required to…

  1. Pick a Complexity Exporable
  2. Prepare a presentation for it
  3. Give a presentation on the explorable, and the system it is based on.


Should be 30 minutes in total, 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion and interaction with the class

If you are uncertain how to prepare a presentation or give it, if you feel unconformable, or struggle understanding the explorable you chose, feel free to contact me. We can set up a meeting.

Current Explorable Picks

Below is a list of the current (WS-2022) student roster and the chosen Explorables.

Student Complexity Explorable
Adrian Flock’n Roll
Elsa Henriette Yo, Kohonen!
Lasse Weeds & Trees
Lisa Berlin 8:00 a.m.
Jan-Michael -
Tim Janus Bunch
Josephine Lotka Martini
Neal Hopfed Turingles
Jan-Michael -
Yuliia Come Together
Till -
Leo Dr. Fybrill & Mr. Hyde
Carla Swårmalätørs
Arne Eigenartig