Introduction to Complex Systems

Practical Problem 23: SIRS Model with Peer Pressure

This problem is very simple. The main purpose is to code a patch model that describes the SIRS model but with an additional twist: Individuals vaccinate with a probability that is proportional to the fraction of infected individuals around them.

The first part of the problem is implementing the model that is described in the complexity explorable:

Critical HexSIRSize

only in netlogo you will use a square lattice.

Make sure you have sliders for

  • infection rate
  • recovery rate
  • waning immunity

Additional Twist

In addition to the states Susceptible, Infected and Recovered introduce a new state Vaccinated. Here are the rules for vaccinated patches

  1. Susceptibles can become vaccinated with a vaccination $v$ only if the fraction in infecteds in their neighborhood exceeds a predefined value $p$. Both parameters should be sliders
  2. Vaccinated become susceptible just like the recovered patches.

Try to find parameters setting such that the dynamic pattern that emerges appears spatially heterogeneous.