Introduction to Complex Systems

Practical Problem 24: Echo Chambers

This is a classic model for the formation of echo chambers. You will implement a network version of it.


Generate a network of say 200 nodes that is sparsely connected. You can use the methods implemented in the first network excersize:

  1. generate a fully connected network
  2. remove a fraction of $p$ nodes, where $p$ is of the order of $1/N$

Use a spring layout that get continously updated like in previous examples

Each node in the network can have one of $M$ opinions. $M$ should be a small number like 3, 5 10 or so.

Color the nodes according to their opinion


At each step:

  • pick a random node
  • this node compares its opinion to one of the neighbors opinion
  • if they are different, the node can either adopt the neighbors opinion or rewire its link to another, randomly chose node. This should be determined by a rewiring probability $Q$.